Manufacturing Bussiness
4 June, 2024
Using Biological Oil-Degrading Powder to Treat Oil-Contaminated Agricultural Soil

In the era of rapid industrialization, environmental pollution has become an urgent issue, particularly agricultural soil pollution caused by petroleum and its derivatives. This is a consequence of industrial activities, transportation, and oil spill incidents, severely impacting human health, the quality of agricultural products, and ecosystems. A potential and safe solution to this problem is the use of oil-degrading microbial powder, an advanced biotechnological method that helps restore and protect agricultural soil.

1. What is Biological Oil-Degrading Powder?
Biological oil-degrading powder is a product containing microorganisms capable of breaking down hydrocarbon compounds in petroleum. These microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and yeasts, can convert harmful substances into non-toxic compounds such as water, CO2, and various organic substances. This process helps clean contaminated soil and restore the cultivation capacity of the affected areas.

2. Mechanism of action
Once mixed into oil-contaminated soil, the microorganisms in the microbial powder operate through the following steps:

  • Contact and penetration: The microorganisms come into direct contact with oil particles in the soil and begin to penetrate them.
  • Biodegradation: The microorganisms secrete enzymes to break down the complex structures of hydrocarbons into simpler compounds.
  • Metabolism: The simpler compounds are further metabolized by the microorganisms into CO2, water, and other beneficial organic substances for the soil.
  • Soil regeneration: After the harmful compounds are degraded, the soil gradually regains its original physical and chemical properties, making it safe for cultivation.

3. Benefits of using microbial powder

  • High efficiency: Rapid and thorough degradation of hydrocarbons, reducing treatment time and costs.
  • Environmentally friendly: Does not cause secondary pollution, safe for ecosystems and humans.
  • Ease of use: Can be easily applied by sprinkling directly onto soil or mixing with water for irrigation.
  • Soil restoration: Improves soil quality, allowing it to regenerate and be ready for future agricultural activities.
  • Dual function as fertilizer: The microorganisms in the powder, when active in the soil, transform into beneficial substances, effectively serving as a good fertilizer for crops.

4. Practical applications

Numerous studies and experimental projects have demonstrated the effectiveness of oil-degrading microbial powder in treating oil-contaminated soil:

  • Experimental projects in Vietnam: Some rural areas in Vietnam have implemented the use of microbial powder to address oil spill incidents, yielding positive results.
  • Test results: Soil samples treated with the microbial powder showed significantly reduced pollution levels, with noticeable improvements in soil fertility and structure.
  • Supporting sustainable agriculture: Helps farmers maintain and enhance crop productivity without concerns about soil contamination.

5. Conclusion

The use of oil-degrading microbial powder is an effective and sustainable solution to oil pollution in agricultural soil. Widespread application of this technology not only helps clean the soil but also contributes to environmental protection and sustainable agricultural development.

By integrating such innovative solutions, we can mitigate the adverse effects of industrial pollution and ensure a healthier, more productive environment for future generations.

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