Manufacturing Bussiness
20 June, 2024
Managing Oil Spills and Leaks in Repair Garages

Oil spills and leaks in repair garages can lead to unsanitary conditions, inconvenience during work, and pose potential safety hazards. Common areas where oil leaks often occur in repair garages include:

  • Underneath vehicles: Leaks from oil seals or oil lines when draining engine oil, transmission oil, or brake fluid.
  • Lift platforms: hydraulic system leaks from lift platforms when vehicles are raised for inspection or repair.
  • Waste oil storage area: Spills can occur if waste oil containers are overfilled or improperly stored.
  • Oil tanks and containers: Spills due to mishandling or during oil transfer.
  • Oil storage areas: Spills can occur during the transportation of stored oil, finished oil products, or leaks during oil transfer processes.
  • Workbenches and surrounding surfaces: Leaks from repairing oil-related components such as oil pumps and oil filters.

In addition to following standard procedures and common spill response measures, larger repair garages need specialized products to enhance efficiency and reduce cleanup time. BIGNANOTECH offers specialized products for handling oil leaks, spills, and stains in garages and repair shops, such as:

  • Oil absorbent pads: Superior to conventional rags, these pads quickly absorb oil and oil-based liquids. They can effectively clean most surfaces and machinery contaminated with oil.
  • Oil absorbent pillows: Ideal for areas with continuous and substantial oil leaks. These pillows can absorb liquids up to 10 times their own weight.
  • Cleaning powder: Thoroughly absorbs and cleans remaining oily residues on floor surfaces. This powder leaves the floor clean and dry without needing secondary detergents.

Managing oil leaks and spills in repair garages is crucial to ensure worker safety and maintain a clean working environment. Choosing the right solutions will improve efficiency, save time, and keep the garage space clean and safe.

For more information on products and industrial cleaning solutions, please contact:
Hotline: (+84) 879 808 080 – (+84) 868 939 595