Manufacturing Bussiness
6 September, 2024

BIGNANOTECH’s oil absorbent products, designed to support the response and handling of oil spill incidents, are made from specially formulated polypropylene fiber. This material offers superior properties compared to conventional oil absorbent products.

Let’s explore some key benefits of the material used in our products:

  • Efficient Oil Absorption: Polypropylene has excellent oil absorption capabilities, capable of absorbing many times its own weight in oil. This allows our products to quickly and effectively handle oil spill incidents.

  • Water Repellency: Polypropylene fibers are water-repellent and moisture-resistant, making BIGNANOTECH’s products suitable for outdoor use or in wet environments. Our products only absorb oil and not water, allowing them to float on water while absorbing oil present on the surface.

  • Reusability: Some polypropylene oil absorbent products, such as oil absorbent pads, can be wrung out and reused multiple times before being fully discarded, helping to reduce disposal costs.
  • Lightweight and Durable: Polypropylene is one of the lightest plastics, which reduces the weight of the products without compromising quality. Additionally, polypropylene fibers have strong tensile strength, ensuring the products maintain their shape and durability in applications requiring physical robustness and incident handling.
  • Variety of Formats: Polypropylene fiber can be processed into various products such as oil absorbent pads, oil absorbent rolls, oil absorbent booms, and oil absorbent pillows, offering flexible solutions for different application needs.

Thanks to these advantages, polypropylene has become the leading material in the production of oil absorbent products, providing a rapid and efficient response to oil spills in industries, shipping, and environmental protection. With advanced proprietary Japanese technology, BIGNANOTECH delivers high-quality oil absorbent products at accessible prices, standing by with your company through every oil spill incident.

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